Maldà Park

Urban sports park by a medieval castle

Show 3 videos and 9 Photos

  • Co-design session in Maldà

  • Plant of the proposal

  • Sections of the proposal

  • The space of the future park in Maldà

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How is an old village recycled through generating consensus? What forms does the design take among many? The teenagers of Maldà propose to condition a space of the municipality for a skateable area. A participatory process is then undertaken with neighbors and future users. The process is carried out through debate, field work and the activation of tools and digital media that organize and make visible the contributions.

Trees and Skates

The skatepark should also be a public space, open and used for multipurposes. The project aims to revitalize the lower part in front of the medieval castle. An area that used to be a popular meeting point for the community, that stopped being utilized after some shade trees were cut down. The proposal integrates an outdoor sports facility area with a multipurpose and re-natured public space. It also offers a new pedestrian connection between the city center and the westernmost end of the urban area.

The main objective has been the basic drafting of the project, counting on neighborhood participation. To achieve this main objective in the most viable and sustainable manner, both socially and environmentally, a series of auxiliary objectives are proposed:

1) That the resulting public space responds to the real needs of the people, in an inclusive and coherent manner with socioeconomic, heritage and environmental conditions.

2) Maximize the use of reused or recycled materials, promoting general awareness of the need to rethink the management of resources.

3) Involvement of citizens in all phases of the process, from the definition of uses to the construction of the park, through the definition of the project or budget management.

Throughout the participatory process, different types of digital media was used with the aim of expanding the forms of participation and increasing the dissemination and transparency of the activities. A dedicated website was created, where all the generated material, achieved consensus or decisions made during the process were available after each activity.

One of the initial conclusions of the participatory process was to consider that the urban sports park is much more than a skatepark. It is a public space for all ages, in which the maximum possible activities can be developed.

We are currently working on the executive phase of the project, while we collect materials with the help of an Arquitecturas Colectivas tool - Grrr.Tools.

February 2017
Straddle3, Sergi Arenas and neighbors of Maldà
Oriol Rocamora
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