
Current team of Straddle3

Merve Dadas

Graduated as an architect in Istanbul, Turkey in 2011. She worked for 6 years with several different architectural firms on large-scale projects ranging from single-family homes to skyscrapers. She also has experience in project management. She completed the Master's program, Mundus Urbano, International Cooperation in Urban Development at TU Darmstadt, 2018 and at the International University of Catalonia, 2019.

Jordi Granada

Architect from Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona graduated in the field of structure calculations in the OMA office for six years (current BAC engineering). He collaborated with Straddle3 since 2006, when they jointly carried out the Casa Parásito project.

Elias Barczuk Pasamán

Architect by the FA, from the UCSF, in Misiones, Argentina, since 2016. Master's degree in advanced architecture studies, by the ETSAB, from the UPC, in the specialty of Process, project and programming, in Catalonia, Spain, since 2020. He worked as a teacher for Architecture Workshop V of the FA, of the UCSF, in Misiones, Argentina; as an urban consultant in the city of Posadas; and he has been practicing the profession independently for five years.

Laura Souto

Graduated from ETSAB in 2021 with a master developed at ETSAV in 2022, and founding partner of La Papiro, an association of architects and artists since 2019. She worked as an intern in the department of technology and construction during 2017 at ETSAB.

Héctor González

Architect graduated from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Vallès, complements the studies at the Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa. Interested from the beginning of his activity in issues of sustainability, research and innovation related to housing, he participates in the works that culminate in the action-exhibition "vers un nou equilibri natural ..." (FAD 2007) and is part of the writing team of the "Territorial Sectorial Housing Plan of Catalonia" (Research Award to the "XI * Spanish Biennial of Architecture and * Urbanism"). He also develops his activity on the built park, in reform and rehabilitation projects, and collaborates with Straddle3 since 2019.

David Juárez

Architect and founding member of Straddle3. Since the late 1990s, he has developed citizen participation projects on the recovery of the industrial and cultural fabric; collaborative interventions in the public space and projects and research in the field of housing. He has lectured courses and workshops in centers and universities in Europe and Latin America. He has promoted and co-designed different open-source digital tools for projects related to participatory urbanism, as well as participating in several specialized publications on these areas. He is a founding member of the international network of Arquitecturas Colectivas and CitizensLab.

People who have passed for Straddle3

Miembros originales

Joan Escofet, David Juárez, Paako Abril, Pedro Puertas

Otros miembros

Amaya Fernández, Josep Saldaña, David Orriols, Gilad Buzi, Michele Pecoraro, Xavi Manzanares, María Ceballos, Penélope Serrano, Ana Rita Rabaça, Catarina Cabral, Ramon Piella, Juan Caruso, Isabel Loos, Sergio Castro , Jordi Pastells, Víctor García, Elisabetta Fiorenza, Sebastiano Passaler, Erkuden Fernández, Oihana Garcia, Paula Kobeaga, Roger Pujol, Pau Monasterio, Rafael Do Prado

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