Public Space Tools Medellín

Public Space Tools makes the leap towards Latin America

From October 29 to November 10, 2016 Siro Santos took a leap to Medellin to organize and work in an open laboratory of collective research on conflicts, problems and visions of the public space and the Medallo territory. A space for reflection and production aimed at people with an interest in urban intervention, digital tools, art / culture and public space, new narrations, collaborative projects, the right to the city and experimental research methodologies.


The workshop analyzed the legal conditions that apply to public space in Medellín and provided participants with basic technical and conceptual knowledge that allows them to use the PST platform, take ownership of the tool and use it for their own objectives. of action references and activation of the environment.


We shared these days with allies and partners of Platohedro where we were doing the residency, the Maestría de Artes Plásticas de la Universidad Nacional (Medellín), ProyectoNN,

Camilo Cantor (Exploratorio, Parque Explora) and accompanied by the Bogota collective Golpe de Barrio.

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Siro Santos
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