Book of Arquitecturas Colectivas

Partial contribution to this publication

The book of COLLECTIVE ARCHITECTURES / ARQUITECTURAS COLECTIVAS is dedicated to the trucks, containers, collective initiatives, in which Santiago Cirugeda (Recetas Urbanas) involved dozens of collectives, stimulating the creation of the network of Arquitecturas Colectivas.

The book documents this experience through the adventures, projects and desires of the collectives, also launching various questions about the normalized production methods of the environment.

The experiences show that it is possible to produce social and economic contexts within the system, alternative contexts that confront, question and subvert it. Self-management, alegality and associationism are revealed as strategies and logistical aspects, together with the need to question the methods and conventional times of architecture and urban policies.


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Editora: Paula Álvarez. Autores: Santiago Cirugeda et all
Red de Arquitecturas Colectivas
Editorial Vibok
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