
Didactic cards game

Modulark is a didactic card game that allows you to experience forms of creation and self-management through architectural elements, energy, vital support and other factors.

With a particular dynamic and a series of open source relationships between the players, the player can design and share a project based on what life (the card game) offers him. In the different situations of the game, chance and strategic ability will be decisive in order to be able to live and produce.

Modulark is a card game created for the Intentional Societies and Modular Architectures conference of the Nautarkía project in June 2008. Modulark is copyleft, it can be downloaded, used, copied and modified as long as this license does not change, the origin of the proposal is stated and, if possible, its          authors are informed.





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David Juárez Latimer-Knowles, Joan Escofet Planas, Vidajoc Crew
Vidajoc and Straddle3, with the collaboration of Espaisideral
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