APROP Exhibition
Close Proximity Temporary Housing
The exhibition of Close Proximity Temporary Housing (APROP) could be seen in the Elisava Gardens (next to the Design Museum) until July 29, 2018. It is a new model of accommodations of rapid, sustainable and quality construction to deal with the eviction of residents from neighborhoods. Straddle3 have collaborated in the study of this housing model, promoted by the Barcelona City Council, with the implementation of a project in Ciutat Vella. The exhibition showed two types of accommodations, one of a bedroom and another of two, and allowed visitors to know the details, characteristics and motivations of the project.
In parallel, a program of activities related to housing was organized, which took place outdoors. At the same time, an outdoor film series was held weekly, with the screening of films related to the theme of housing and the construction of the city.

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