2003 June 2 - Mars Express - Launch of ESA (Europe) Orbiter and Lander (Beagle2) to Mars
2003 June 8 - Mars Exploration Rover 1 - Launch of NASA (USA) Rover Mission to Mars
2003 June 19 - Nozomi - Earth flyby of ISAS (Japan) Mars Orbiter
2003 June 25 - Mars Exploration Rover 2 - Launch of NASA Rover Mission to Mars
This summer, Mars and the Earth will be especially close to each other. Although launch opportunities to go to Mars occur every 26 months - when the Sun, Earth and Mars form a straight line - this year the planets will be in their closest positions which occurs every 15 to 17 years.
related context
> the interplanetary internet: a communications infrastructure for mars exploration. 53rd International Astronautical Congress. october, 2002
> blur music from mars: signal for mars landing . february 7, 2002
> artist join the beagle 2 mars team. june 1, 1999
> a chronology of mars exploration
> who is next?
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