Talk: Shacks or the possibility of building the city

The architecture and urbanism of the informal settlements is characterized by a precariousness that does not guarantee optimum conditions of habitability. However, in informality we can also find some virtues that the planned city lacks, especially the possibility of grass-roots decision-making processes on the built environment, based on the communities own needs.

Straddle3 has been working in practice for two decades with some of the strategies that can be found in the informal city, such as self-construction or reusing materials; developing at the same time normative frameworks that allow to regularize these strategies without neutralizing their capacity for transformation.

We will talk about all this on Thursday, January 31, starting at 6 pm at L'Harmonia -the art space of the Museu d'Història de L'Hospitalet- with David Juárez, one of the founding members of Straddle3, also thinking about the construction of the future "headquarters" of the CICdB, a community space dedicated to understanding and practicing the city from informality.

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