 [es] [ca] >>> 2003.10 < ···  >  lexigrafik

homo, ore et collo gruis
- ulisse aldrovandi: monstrorum historia-
homo-graphic representations
net and nodes
teotihuacan tripod bowl

*habitus technologicus

condition, state, dress, character, habit, *habitus refers to the total ideational environment of a person. choices are not limitless in social context. a person relies upon a large store of scripts and a large store of knowledge, which present that person with a certain picture of the world and how she or he thinks to behave within it.

technology as ‘a medium of experience’, a habitat, and then habitus, something that is 'never simply used (but) always inhabited.'

technology-as-environment names those composite wholes, those habitats, within which nature, people, and their productions belong each to the other. what, then, is to be asked of the late modern habitats in which technology proliferates with apparent autonomy, but where it is spoken mostly as an environment without depth or boundaries?

What of the environments in which technology appears as pre-given facts rather than as the negotiated and partial embodiment of particular social meanings and purposes?

s3 :[ grafik + txt ] cutup
extracted from aidan davison 'rapt in technology'