Last week-end, here and there around the world (France, USA, UK, Australia...), light was the pretext to transform our daily life in space of eccentric sharing.
"Faites de la Lumiere" is a French play-on-words meaning both: "Do your own Light" & "Light Party"... where artists, inhabitants or anyonelse transform their daily space, by film projection or video or slide or chinese shadow or street theater or light window competition or exhibition in the heart of hands... directly onto any possible surface (facade, hanging sheet, windscreen, beach, tree...)
The aim :
Use any public space to transform it in sharing, presentation, experimentation place.
Just to participate at the daily transformation of our daily life, invite anyone to participate, to propose to unknown people some visions, testimonies, UFO ...
Just to surprise ...
Just to use any unknown pretext to transform the vision of our public space.
Coordinators are Blick & Navarro. At the beginning of the project, they ran a pirate tv in Paris, a public access tv (a non commom idea in France). These coordinators are connected to the associations which founded Faites de la Lumiere Federation:TV Plaisance / Tolbiac and Cinex, eccentric cinema workshop. >from *Faites de la Lumiere site*.
related context
> citymine[d] + umos presentation. may 30, 2003
> psy-geo-conflux: the meaning of living in a city. may 14, 2003
> manifesto of urban televisions: open access television. april 23, 2003
> hackitecture and other data flow' architectures. march 28, 2003
> pure-data beta rave. january 18, 2003
> la lumiere: celebration set
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