"The semantic web is a conceptual information space in which
the resources identified by URIs (Universal Resource Identifier)
can be processed by machines. It operates on the principles of 'partial
understanding' and 'inference' (being able to infer new knowledge
of terms from data that you already understand), and hence evolution
and transformation. Because the URIs are being used to represent
the resources, systems can grow on a globally decentralized basis,
similar to hypertext documentation systems on the early WWW.
"Once data is given a URI, it can then be referred to by anyone
else, and as such, complex and intricate relationships can be built,
queried, and processed. At the base of this plan is the hope that
people will start publishing their data in RDF (Resource Description
Framework)... In general, XML RDF is the format of choice for the
semantic web... There seems to be a little confusion between people
about the difference between RDF and the Semantic Web. RDF is simply
a data model and format that allows people to create machine readable
data. The Semantic Web will be built on top of this data. Hence,
when you publish something in RDF, you aren't necessarily creating
something 'Semantic Web-ish,' but you are possibly making your data
available to Semantic Web processors, if it means anything... The
principle of the Semantic Web is actually fairly basic - machine
readable data, global basis.
"RDF Schema and DAML, the Darpa Agent Markup Language (+OIL.
Ontology Interchange Language), are two very important base level
RDF languages. Between them, they enable people to define new applications
on top of RDF in a structured and interoperable manner... Ontological
and inference languages are a step above this, and provide even
more power. You can create inverse terms, transitive terms, equivalences,
datatypes, unions, intersections, and so forth..." >from
semantic web, taking form' by Sean B. Palmer, Semantic Web Agreement
Group, June 2001
semantic web evolution:
> w3c
issues recommendation for resource description framework (rdf)
introduces model for defining and organizing information.
february 24, 1999
semantic web related organisations:
> w3c
semantic web
w3c semantic web activity
> semantic
web org
semantic web research community
publishing rdf data on the web:
> dublin
core metadata initiative
open forum for interoperable online metadata standards
> prism
publishing standards for industry standard metadata
> rdf
site summary
rss 1.0: the new syndication format
> xmlnews
xml and the news industry