donostia 2004-ko apirilak 22,21,27,28
"life-conditioning: jatorri irekiko arkitektura"-ren helburua, arkitektura erabiltzaileari bueltatzen dioten zenbait ekimen ikus
/ deskribatu / aurkeztu / elkarreragitea da, lengoaia eta adierazpenean eragiten dutenak, gehienen espazio eta imajinarioan jokatu / jardun / bahitu
/ irauliz.
> twiki [ ArkMediaGroup:
elkarlan prozesua + erreferentziak ]
> donostiako jardunaldien kartela [72 ppi - .pdf - 351 k]
> donostiako jardunaldien kartela [300 ppi - .pdf - 1.8 mb]
"as the even availability network of invisible services increases in both intensity and content,
(credit cards and communication satellites) the residual activities requiring physical location, hardware and acces become more particular
or 'to taste' ... thus the consciously planned and purposely build environment that exploits the potential and uneveness of enviromental conditioning
is likely to become one of the main contributions that architects and plannners can make to society ... [they] must exercise all its expertise,
on being asked for artefactual conditioning, on the relevance of or the necessity for doing anything at all"
[cedric price - life-conditioning, 1966]