s t r a d d l e 3
radikal thought 
    putting into place a form, a matrix of illusion and disillusion, a strange attracting force, so that a seduced reality will be able to spontaneously feed on it.
    implacably self-fulfilling (you just have, from time to time, to displace the "object" a bit)
    we must trap reality, we must go faster than reality.
    we are the orphans of a reality that came too late and which is only, like truth, an "official report" in "delayed time"
    ciphering, not deciphering
operating illusions
Being illusion to be event. Turning into an enigma what is clear. Making unintelligible what is far too intelligible. Rendering unreadable the event itself. Working all the events to make them unintelligible. Accentuating the fake transparency of the world to spread a terroristic confusion, to spread the germs or viruses of a radical illusion, that is to say operating a radical disillusion of the real. A viral and deleterious thought, which corrupts meaning, and is the accomplice of an erotic perception of reality's trouble. 
    stealing the "reality file" to erase its conclusions
symbolic exchange
    return what you received......never less..................always more
...................................... cenote
