An open platform for interventions in, outside of, counter to and as an alternative to the agendas and organization of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which takes place from December 10th to 12th in Geneva, Switzerland.
In recent years media activism has evolved globally from local pirate radios, video activist groups and paper zines into complex networks of alliances that use ICT to bridge the physical gap in txt, visual and sonic media, as well as those of distance and feasibility. Some of these networks (like Indymedia) have showed the way for others how to structure the information agregation and desemination process.
Recently a diverse group of media activists, artists and programers initiated project HighNoon which is set out to develop a new model that would suite better for moving image. Agregation of video has already been experimentaly established in recent months by v2v project, using free software, open formats and standards to encode, store and syndicate production quality video in sustainable and managable way.
Further along this road we wanna develop methods and models to fill these archives with quality content and make it available for others to engage within this social, media and technical development. By using free technologies, working on models of inclusion and adressing social issues within so called "information society" we are initiating HighNoon platform for delivery of this media through networks to all connected.
High Noon is an audiovisual protest that gathers objections against the WSIS in Geneva in order to assert our claims to the so called "information society". >from *WSIS? We Seize! site*.
related context
> world summit on the information society. december 10-12, 2003
> world forum on communication rights. 11 de diciembre, 2003. coalition of international NGOs
> developing the potential of the internet through coordination, not governance. december 9, 2003. the internet society at wsis.
> reporters without borders challenges 14 major internet and computer firms about their activity in china. december 3, 2003
> reporters without borders' response to its exclusion from the
world summit on the information society. december 2, 2003
> about the wsis? we seize! project .
> HighNoon stares wsis from a genève wall graph
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