the work comes from l'Institut per el Desenvolupament de la Formació i l'Ocupació - IDFO - a private foundation promoted by the workers union UGT of Catalunya.
s t r a d d l e 3 participates in the contents coordination, is in charge to build the structure the book, to generate the first part of the contents, to generate the graphics and to develop the layout.
the structure of the book is product of the preparation process where the independent work of the experts on subjects previously stipulated is complemented with meetings to share the words and analysis of each subject. the book is made up of chapters that keep a certain independence but also a kind of continuity complementing itself with the transcription of a round table that was considered simultaneously as a conclusion.
the method looks after the consistency dealing with the subject from different points of view, to facilitate a rich and plural vision. It is necessary, therefore, to use a unifying graphical criteria to promote the use of the book by different groups that could take as much benefit from a fast reading of their sections, or a more deeper one. the illustration criterion crosses imagery from the small traditional commerce in barcelona with the emergent iconography of computer science and communications.