straddle3   [5.0]: 2006.10
we work the habitat from the ground
with ideas, materials & technologies
  Espaņol   Catalā 
archive: | domo | context | openfridays | participacio | lexigrafik | 1999 | 

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- some words about what we are -

people from very different fields, united by our interest in sustainability, accessibility, and the potential for intervention in the spaces that we inhabit, whatever they may me. we regularly work in the areas of housing, public space, digital public domain and participatory urbanism.

in relation to housing, we are interested in economic viability and management methods, from collaborative design to potential alternative energy sources and forms of coexistence. we have already carried out quite a few projects, as a rule using recycled materials and/or spaces and promoting self-building.

in terms of reappropriation of public space we've worked on several projects, from fitting out abandoned spaces using demountable structures and transforming waste elements into urban furniture, to writing handbooks for the activation of urban spaces.

in the sphere of digital public domain and networks, we have actively participated in collaborative work platforms, independent media outlets and research settings.

most of these processes have taken place in open collaboration contexts, in which there is a blurring of the boundaries between the promoters, designers, builders, managers and users of the space.

straddle3 constructors s.l.
riereta 32, 1-3
barcelona 08001
phone +34 934 432 309
e-mail: s3(at)

straddle3 matter cross section
 chung fu
 :[ s3(at) ]